Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Livin' Like I'm Dyin'

Hello to you all again. I hope all is well since I last blogged. Let's get to the nitty gritty...

I want to start by saying that never in all my years did I think that there could be any noodles in the world that taste worst than Ramen. I was sadly and humbly mistaken. They're called Maggi and Grennland noodles. They're cheap, but they're terrible, especially when you've had about 50 packs of them.

I also would like to say that I found Justin Vagle while I've been here. Except that he's from Baton Rouge, just graduated from LSU, can't jump out of the gym, and doesn't have a voice that can make Celine Dion crap her pants. It was very crazy how similar this guy was to Justin. Same facial expressions, sense of humor; it was nuts. "I freakin' preach!!!" Weiss, you remember.

I went to Milford Sound on Sunday, and it was incredibly beautiful, but to be very honest, it was a little bit of a letdown. I was expecting to fall to my knees in amazement, but I did no such thing. Like I said, it was stunning, but I've seen much more beauty in the faces of the family and friends in my life. (that's biblical too).

I also met a Jehovah's witness on the trip up to Milford Sound. It was interesting to say the least. But I may or may not have told this girl that she was "messed up!" J/k. "Give me a bible and pulpit..." Matt, you know what I'm talking about.

Good news people...I bought flip flops the other day cause I forgot to bring mine out here. So I can start saying good-bye to the warts that I've gotten on the bottom of my feet from the showers. Just kidding...but seriously, I said good-bye. Speaking of feet, Shannon J. loves it when people touch her with their feet. It's her favorite!

Today, I just got back from River Surfing and it was maybe one of the coolest things I've done in a long time! I'll explain more about it when I'm back, but it's basically white water rafting on a body board!!! It was sweet!! Reminded me of rafting in Colorado for sure! Good times!!

JUst wanted to say that my back is doing great and that it is amazing what the body of Christ can do when they come together. Thanks you so much. I've been thinking about how much I took for granted the amazing Believers in my lfie that support, shoot me straight, and encourage me everyday. It's refreshing whenever I meet other followers of Christ out here, b/c they're few and far between. God is showing me a ton of things that He wants me to do with my life, but He's also showed me that I can't do it by myself. And even when there is a great community of believers, it doesn't substitute for solitude with Him. My days filled with God breaking me down and building me up. It's amazing to think that He has choosen to use someone like me to be apart of His kingdom, but I can't think of doing anything else with my life then being apart of His plans for me.

A great verse I've been going after while I've been here is Revelation 2:3-5, "You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first." That's what I want to get to. That's where my heart longs to be. But I can honestly say that my heart has been awakened and alive since I left. Can't wait to tell you guys more. I'll see you soon. Love you all so much.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lost In Awe

It's me again. Hope life is just peachy back in the States. A few things have happened since the last time I wrote...So let's just get down to it shall we?

On Friday, I went to a movie (or as in English call it, "the cinema.") in town, and it was really cool. Not so much the actual movie, but the theatre we were at. Instead of individual seats they had old couches that people donated to them and they even had an old beetle car for people to sit in and watch the movie. Oh and Justin, I just got a great new idea that we're gonna steal from these guys. Midway through the movie, they have a "halftime." It's genius!!! People not only get up and stretch, and not piss their pants from the holding it till the end, but people are able to buy more food during the break!! Brilliant!! Justin, we go 50-50. I need someone to run the day-to-day operation and you're my guy!

On Saturday, I went on a huge hike (for me) it was about 8 hours total! We walked along this river that came from a glacier, but it was so steep! I almost killed myself like 10 times! If I would've started falling I wouldn't stopped for like 1/2 mile. WE WERE HIGH!! But not like marijuana, like the height. Nevertheless, it was easily the most beautiful thing I've seen yet. Mountains on everyside, river coming down between the mountains, with a glacier on top. Who said God is not the Creator? He does all things well.

I watched, in my opinion, the best Super Bowl yet on monday. It was 12:00 p.m. on a Monday when the game started, and I went to a local bar to watch it. I think most people thought I was some raging alcoholic at first. What a great game!! I was going crazy down the strech! I was one of like 5 people in the bar watching and screaming. Great game!

While I was watching, this guy from Germany named Robi came up to me to watch the game. He told me he was biking for about 35 miles, came to the bar, and ordered a huge pitcher of beer. I asked him why he didn't get some water instead, and he looked at me like I was a freak. Then he left a biked another 35 miles back to where he came from.

Mom, Justin, and Silk, I think I've probably lost like 5 lbs (or 2.5 kg) since being here since I only eat when I'm hungry, and I buy the cheapest stuff too. But don't you worry about me, me and my ham sandwiches are just fine. You hear that Palmer? HAM!!!

Probably the biggest thing I need from my friends and family back is to be praying for me. As most of you know, I like to workout and I was running yesterday and I think I threw out my back. It's my lower back and I have been in a lot of pain. It's gotten better. But I can always use the prayer. Before I left, my Grandma gave me a verse to hold onto while I'm here, which is Isaiah 40:31. It's given me so much strength, but also verses 29-31 have given me hope as well.

"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

There's no doubt that this is the verse of my trip. "Even youths will become weak, and tired." Wow, that has been me quite a few times, btu especially now. I realize that God is in control, but I will keep putting my trust in Him, because He's the One that renews my strength.

I love you all, and I pray for you everyday. Can't wait to see you.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hittin' a groove

Well people, hello again from the friendly confinds of New Zealand!! As Kevin pointed out in my last blog, I myself am a foreigner so I will have to be more specific when I refer to people who live outside the U.S. of A. Thanks for puttin' me in my place Kevin.

Nevertheless, here's some highlights since I last wrote!

Jeremy, I want you to know I haven't seen more than 3 hoops out here, but I did see a kid with a ball walking down the street and I stopped him to ask where the nearest hoop was. I am cravin' any american sport right now. What's that Fedell? Football you say? Forget about it, I have to explain it to everyone. I was talking to this small tiny piece of crap back in Nelson who was making fun of football b/c we wear pads. I told him, "come out sometime and you'll see how hard we hit." I'd light him up. And I haven't even seen a football since I got here. Shoot me now! JK!

Thursday, I took a drive with a buddy that has a car here and we drove around Nelson, Havelock, and all around a bunch of sweet sights. Later on, we went swimming with mountains on every side! It was awesome!

On Sunday, I took a glaicer all day hike in Franz Joseph! It was pretty sweet! Jake Thomas, I took a pic from highest point that I think you will like especially I'll talk more about it when I'm home.

It's pretty cool that every hostel has a full kitchen, but not so cool when you're livin' on a budget. I don't think I'll be able to look at pasta or spag again when I get home! Soooooooooooooo sick of them!

And just when I thought I was done peeling on my face and neck, my arms decided to join in on the fun. It's been great meeting people, and their first impression of me is trying not to get any of my skin on them. Not too attractive.

Yesterday, I went swimming, sun bathing, and grilled out with a couple of guys I met here. Actually, as my new friends and Jim Carrey would say, we had a little barbie! It's a very strange thing to comprehend, swimming in grillin' in January! Kinda throws ya off. But it definitely reminds me of back home, grillin' out with the boys back home! You know who you are.

But I did meet some other backpackers yesterday from England that were Christians! I told them I was going to be a youth pastor, and they got so excited and told me they were Christians too. They were really cool and it was great to be able to talk more in depth about my faith and go deeper with conversations, than just the surfice with some people. We got a chance to pray for each other before they took off. It was really cool, and very encouraging!

Probably one of the deepest things that's been going on in me is that I have been reading the book "Waking The Dead" by John Eldridge (author of Wild At Heart, both are great books). But it has been very challenging to say the least. Those of you who know me best would say I'm always up for a challenge and this book has been no different. In one of the chapters, Eldridge said to make a list of all the things I love. Eldridge said that everything that you love is what makes life worth living. I made the list, no matter how deep, or how shallow, funny or serious they may be. One of the things that has really convicted me is that I always say that family is so important to me, yet I don't always give them the time of day. I have felt so convicted in this area it's not even funny. I do spend time with my family, and I would drop everything just for them, but as the Dale Carnigie said, "Don't ask a man what's important to him; watch how he spends his time." Things will be different when I'm home.

Lastly, God is stretching me like crazy. One of the very things that I have set out to do while on this trip is to get my heart back. Another great quote I've come across is "The glory of God is man fully alive." To do that, you have to live from your heart. To live from your heart, you have to trust and rely on Him.

Now my bro's and my dad wrestled while I played basketball for 12 winters. I took a lot of crap for that for years, but for the rest of this trip I'll wrestling...wrestling with God.

I'm out here to find my heart. I'm out here to become alive and for God to wake the dead in me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Burning, peeling, and foreigners

We'll alot has happened since I last wrote to you guys. On Friday I received the worst sun burn of my life! Apparently, in NZ they don't exactly pollute the air with multiple toxins to enhance the Ozone Layer. Actually, there is no Ozone layer in NZ! In the last 3 days I've been peeling on my whole face, my neck, and my arms. Absolutely disgusting, except sometimes it's cool if I can peel off a big huge hunk of skin! Some of them have been ginormous!

On Saturday night, I met some people here and we were hanging out in this city called Nelson here. And this old guy about 60 years old comes up to us who's as drunk as a skunk, has long white hair coming down to his shoulders, probably had too much of the reefer back in the day (and maybe still today) and tells us that he's a painter and he wants to paint a cat playing the guitar with a whole moon in the background on one of the walls at a pub. I thought, " Who is this guy?" Then he goes on to tell us, "Don't tell people to 'have a great day', cause anyone can have a great day. Tell people, 'have a great life." This guy was so hammered he it was terrible.

Oh and earlier on Saturday, at the hostel we watched a certain video that was very fitting for where I am right now. We wated Lord of the Rings 3. Hahaha I was lovin' it.

There was a point that I never thought I would come to in my life that happened the other day. I'm sitting at a table with 3 grown men, an austrailian, an guy from Uraguay, and a russian. The craziest thing is that I have only had to explain american football to girls, and the south korean guy a few days ago. It was really kind of amusing to me, as I explained the basics of the game to a bunch of guys older than me or the same age.

And for anybody reading this from Bush Lake, I'm sorry, but I made friends with a Russian here. His name is Michal, and I'm sorry if you look down on me now.

That's all from here, talk to you guys soon. Love ya, miss ya.

Keep on playin' that funky music white boy!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

More funny, yet strange things in NZ

Well I forgot to mention in my first blog that the moment I walked into my dorm room the first day I got to NZ, there was some weird and crazy German guy sitting on the floor. Now you might be asking yourself, "Dave, how do you know this weird and crazy German guy was in fact weird and crazy?" Thanks for asking, it's because while he was sitting on the floor going through his stuff, laying right next to the rest of it was a woman's corset (a fancy bra). Not really sure why he had it, and I'm not really sure why I didn't just ask him why he had it.

But I also found out later that night as I was turning over in bed trying to fall back asleep, this same weird and crazy German guy apparently likes to sleep in the nude. Don't worry I got a great shot of him, more than I could ask for. Yuck!!

Silk, I thought you should know I met a sweet South Korean guy named Jun, that was so interested in anything I said. And anything that was exceedingly interesting, he would repeat over and over to himself. I told him I was from the U.S.A. and that I wanted to be a pastor, so I kept hearing him say all through the night, "United States, Paster." Then I told him that I used to play american football, but he had never heard of it. He thought it was like rugby and I said, "Yeah it's a lot like rugby, except you can throw the ball backwards OR forwards." This absolutely blew his mind, and he started laughing uncontrollably about this crazy concept.

Oh and Kevin, there's apparently a sweet rock band that was coming to town in Auckland, but I didn't get to see. However, there name: Interpol. Thought you'd like that.

I truly appreciate all the prayers and comments left from my blogs. I miss you guys so much. Wish you guys were here. Things have gotten better since I last blogged. God is opening up doors for me to talk to perfect strangers about my faith and it's been humbling to be used by such an amazing God. He's teaching more and more everyday. Love you guys, talk to ya soon.

P.S. For anybody that went to Costa Rica and remembers when Katie Bettelli threw up all over Jordan on the bus, that happened again yesterday while I was on a bus going to Wellington. The victim's name was Philip, and this girl sitting next to him blew chunks all over the place and on him. It was really gross when it happened, but I'm still laughing that it got all over this guy. He was a good sport about it, and he was laughing about it too. Nobody sat on the seat with the upchuck all day until like the last hour. I was reading and didn't see the guy sit down. I tried so hard not to laugh, but I couldn't help it.

Seriously, that's all from here. Peace dogg, peace.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Arrival

Well everybody, I'm here. Because of the day change I never got to experience Monday January 14th. So I hope everybody is having a great day. I had a very intereseting conversation with a 6 year old on the plane to Auckland. For my former co-workers at bush lake, this may sound somewhat similair to this past summer. The boy was as hyper as can be and loved asking me as many questions as he could think of. "What's your favorite: chicken or noodles?" "What's your favorite: noodles or choped lamp?" What's your favorite: noodles or rooster?" Later into the flight, he asked me, "Do you have any sons?" And I replied by laughing and saying no. Then he asked, "are you married?" Once again, I said no. After I said this, he turns to his 13 year old sister sitting on the other side of me and says, "wanna marry her?" I said, I need to get to know her first. Then he points to a lady that was so old she might've been present for the signing of the declaration of independence. So I simply said no. All this while I'm laughing pretty hard and his parents are about 3 seats to my left rolling their eyes, along with uncomfortable laughs. But I thought it was all so funny.

Last thought before I go. This has been a whole lot harder of trip then I first thought. Please keep me in your prayers. I can remember praying months ago and asking God to stretch me and bring me closer to Him during this trip. Well He is definitely streching me and things have been a little rough thus far. But I'm holding onto Isaiah 40:27-31. Thanks for the prayers guys. I love and miss you all SO much right now. I really mean it. Peace in da middle east.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Almost there...

Hello everyone!

I'm still in the good ol' U.S. of A. until Sunday, but I wanted to make sure this works. I will be truly missing all of you.